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Olath Valm

Wolf - Unknown Artist
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The fortified County of Elghinn is located on the border of Darkholm duchy. Home to not only D'aron, the duchies capital but also the only road threw Olath Valm into Darkholm and to the Kingdoms capital. As the primary military hub of the entire duchy and tasked with it's protection Elghinn has a strong military and defense focus, Even the cities of Elghinn which provide food and supplies to the soldiers feature tall stone walls and military structures.


Archduches Ilhar Kal'daka


Those who desire to focus on military, trade, or farming endeavors and who are willing to help contribute to the safety of the duchy, and kingdom are most welcomed within Elghinn County.


At current there are no county specific laws in Elghinn County


As the capital of Olath Valm many of the duchy events will be held in Elghinn County.
At current however there are no county specific events.


The official flower of Elghinn County is the Duchy flower the Red rose


Towns and Strongholds

D'aron City (Duchy Capital)
Gubo Stronghold (Name will change later)

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